
New Editorial Director joins Paragon in Macclesfield

Kerry Acheson joins us as Associate Editorial Director for Paragon, based in our brand new Macclesfield office. Kerry brings a wealth of experience to the team having worked in med comms for over 10 years across a range of therapy areas and projects. Kerry has a passion for people, both in training and developing writers, and in building relationships with clients and therapy experts. “I am looking forward to supporting the continued growth of Paragon and developing our new Macclesfield office!”

Prime GlobalNew Editorial Director joins Paragon in Macclesfield

Amazing scientific sight…! The teams from ONYX and Only Oncology take a few moments on a recent business trip to admire the Atomium as it gleams against the bright blue Brussels sky!

Picture + Amazing scientific sight! Thanks to ONYX and Only Oncology for sharing this fantastic pic taken on a recent business trip.

Prime GlobalAmazing scientific sight…! The teams from ONYX and Only Oncology take a few moments on a recent business trip to admire the Atomium as it gleams against the bright blue Brussels sky!

A New Dimension in Organ Study

In order to ensure that as many citizens as possible have access to the life-saving medical procedures they need, Japan’s Central Social Insurance Medical Council, an organization of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, has this week announced that the cost of 3D printed organ models used to assist medical treatments and surgeries will be covered under the standard medical insurance payment range.

Prime GlobalA New Dimension in Organ Study

Virtual Reality Gets Real

Virtual reality is going to be the big thing of 2016. Sony Playstation is bringing out a headset in a couple of months, Oculus Rift is now in it’s second stage of development after being bought by Facebook, and with the latest high definition advancements virtual reality is no longer a word from the ’80s.

What does this mean to healthcare?  We found this amazing story…

Prime GlobalVirtual Reality Gets Real

The Dark Side of Infographics

In 1857, English nurse Florence Nightingale used information graphics to persuade Queen Victoria to improve conditions in military hospitals, and they have been around for many years before this.  They have become more mainstream due to our snacking, information culture.

We found this rather nifty Darth Vader infographic.

Prime GlobalThe Dark Side of Infographics