
Cystic Fibrosis – A Challenging Disease Scientists Fight Against

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a rare disease that causes damage to the respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems. Its incidence varies across the globe. In the USA, CF affects one in every 3500 newborns, and in Europe it’s one in every 2000–3000. Does the low number of patients with CF worldwide discourage scientists from finding a cure? Let’s have a look at what’s currently known about CF as well as existing and future therapies.

Aisleen PetersonCystic Fibrosis – A Challenging Disease Scientists Fight Against

Rare But Not Forgotten – Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common type of muscular dystrophy, which is characterised by muscle weakening and breakdown. It is a devastating disease that we still don’t fully understand, and currently there is no cure. Patients have a very limited number of therapy options. Scientists are working hard to develop new treatment therapies, but they still face many challenges.

Aisleen PetersonRare But Not Forgotten – Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Depression – it’s time to take care of yourself

During mental health awareness month, many organisations around the world report on mental health, so that those who suffer from mental illnesses are not forgotten.

According to the World Health Organization, depression is “a common mental disorder, characterized by sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, feelings of tiredness, and poor concentration”.

Aisleen PetersonDepression – it’s time to take care of yourself


Prime Global Does The Great Manchester 10K Run

On Sunday 28th May, 22 of our Manchester colleagues will be representing Prime Global in the Great Manchester 10K Run.

As The Beatles famously sang, “it was 20 years ago today…” Well, not quite, but 1997 did see the establishment of Prime Global, with just one employees. Now we have over 100 people across three continents and we’re still growing. To celebrate our anniversary, we’ve set ourselves another challenge as part of our on-going programme to give something back to charities close to our hearts.


HIV Vaccines – Insights into a Scientist’s Mind

There is currently no vaccine available that can prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Why do scientists believe that an effective and safe HIV vaccine can teach the immune system how to fight HIV? I had a closer look at their latest research of HIV vaccines.

Aisleen PetersonHIV Vaccines – Insights into a Scientist’s Mind

HIV Vaccine Day

Today is #HIVVaccineDay and we’ve been exploring the latest research of HIV vaccines and the treatments scientists are developing. Susanne Ulm, looks into a section of HIV vaccines and describes how they work with your immune system to fight against HIV. Follow the link to read more:

Emily AnslowHIV Vaccine Day

Manchester Great 10K Run, 12 days to go

Just 12 days to go now until 20 of our Prime Global colleagues take part in the Manchester Great 10K Run. We’re running for two charities close to our hearts. The first, The Cystic Fibrosis Trust, funds research to help advance treatment and therapy, as well as supporting the families and patients of those who live with the disease. The second is Joining Jack, a brilliant community charity that is raising awareness and money to help find a treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Please support our runners in raising money for these excellent charities. You can donate via our fundraising page:

Aisleen PetersonManchester Great 10K Run, 12 days to go

Lost, but not Alone – Dare to be Different

During my first week of living in Manchester, I ran into a woman who would be considered “special”. It was one of those grey, cold and simply miserable winter days. As it was rush hour the Oxford Road was full of cars and pedestrians; everyone was busy. She was only dressed in her night gown. It was clear that she wasn’t really aware of her surroundings as she mostly mumbled to herself. However, there were moments when she seemed to feel the eyes of passers-by and shouted “Don’t patronize me”. I behaved like everyone else and ignored her, mostly because I didn’t know how to react. In May, the mental health awareness month, I sometimes wonder whether she got back home alright.

Aisleen PetersonLost, but not Alone – Dare to be Different

Keep in mind, mental health

The World Health Organisation estimates 1 in 4 people experience a mental health problem during their lifetime. Charities like Heads Together, Mind and Mental Health America are starting crucial conversations so we can all educate ourselves and others to understand the difficulties and complexities of mental health disorders. Read this article by Prime Global’s Susanne Ulm, exposing mental health for what it really is, not what people assume it is.

Aisleen PetersonKeep in mind, mental health

ISMPP Day 1 Highlights

Meeting new people, catching up with old faces and discussing the brilliant array of posters submitted this year. – Our very own Neil Venn presenting Prime Global’s poster on ‘Sharing Enhanced Poster Content’ – a fascinating discussion chaired by Neil! ISMPP Day 1 Key Learning: Deborah A. Zarin (Director of gave an excellent talk on “The Role of in an Era of Data Sharing”, providing an overview of the history of, as well as information on the impact of recent guidelines which require the uploading of clinical trial information and data in a timely fashion.

Aisleen PetersonISMPP Day 1 Highlights