
Ten reasons we work in MedComms

To celebrate MedComms Day 2021, our colleagues share the top ten reasons to work in MedComms!

1. MedComms makes a difference


“I am really proud of the account I have been working on since I have started, which recently went from phase III to being approved; it’s so exciting! It’s so amazing to watch how this drug can help improve patients’ lives.”

Cindy Cheung, Senior Medical Writer at Prime Global. Find out what else Cindy has to say here.




“I’m interested in the transformation of scientific research into tangible products that could help society. I realised the importance of market access in the transformation of clinical research into medicines – specifically lifesaving medicines – and decided to pursue a career in the field.”

Jack Said, Associate Consultant in Market Access at Prime Global



“Our biggest role is to help our clients develop materials that will make a difference, whether it’s educating HCPs or the general public, and making sure we do that in the best format possible to tackle particular challenges.”

Elien Moes, Director Scientific Services. Hear more from Elien about this here.




2.  I can build lasting relationships with clients and help deliver more value

“In any one day, I am building relationships with new and diverse clients to really understanding their challenges and how our fantastic teams can best support them.”

Cora Carolan, VP, Client Services. See Cora’s full interview here.




“I believe that success comes from building strong relationships and truly understanding client needs.”

Jenny Blackham, VP, Client Partnerships. Read more from Jenny here.





3. The work is intellectually stimulating and varied

“I’m generally an organised person and love seeing a plan come to fruition. I like the sense of achievement that comes with completing a project.”

Maria Alfaradhi, Scientific Team Lead.




“As I moved on in my career I felt I wanted to work more with people and their development and training. MedComms attracts fantastic people, they have a certain kind of personality and are extremely collaborative!”

Parveena Laskar, Editorial Resource Manager. Find out what else Parveena has to say here. 




4. The work environment is supportive and flexible

“Prime Global has been very adaptable at building a great office and team environment based on previous workshops, which shows how the company really do listen and plan to improve work life environments for their employees.”

Cindy Cheung, Senior Medical Writer. Read the full chat with Cindy here.





“We are continuing to build a stronger team and work environment. We do this by being flexible”

Ana Agudelo, HR Business Partner. See the full interview here.

5. The people are collaborati
ve and encouraging

“Don’t be afraid to ask! There is so much information to take on board when you start, it can be overwhelming… but we recognise that asking questions is the best way to understand the complex things we do, and we try to foster a friendly and supportive working environment.”

Mark Waterlow, Director of Scientific Strategy. See what ese Mark has to say here.




“Ask as many questions as you need. People don’t expect you to know everything, especially if you’re new to the industry. You’re never made to feel like there’s a stupid question – people are happy to help. Take each day as it comes; keep pushing forward.”

Safi Kani Masandi, Senior Account Executive.

6. I can develop my skills and career

“Progression would not have been possible without the incredible mentorship, coaching and guidance I received from the leaders and senior members of each agency. The leaders here spell leadership “E-X-A-M-P-L-E” and demonstrate what it takes to move forward. They also openly share their knowledge, experiences and industry expertise to those who seek it. I progressed by becoming a student again, not in the academic sense, but of the environment to ensure I could learn what it took to create an impact.”

Darren Sobers, Account Manager.



“One of the things I love about Prime Global is that I’ve never been afraid to have the kind of conversation that’s about my career and future aspirations. We really do put people first, we want to give you the opportunities to develop. I feel I’ve had that in my own personal role, as well as being able to support other colleagues with those conversations as part of my role in PDD.”

Parveena Laskar, Editorial Research Assistant Find out what else Parveena has to say here. 

7. I can work with the latest scientific data, new breakthroughs, and the top scientific minds

“My key highlights include having the opportunity to support cutting-edge, innovative and ground-breaking medicines, and knowing that these have made a difference to the lives of patients worldwide.”

Liz, Client Services Director at Prime Global. Read Liz’s full story here.




“You see the impact that medical communication has on vaccine education pretty quickly in your day-to-day life. For example, we are currently working on a COVID-19 vaccine and there is so much misinformation out there, even amongst HCPs. We are super pleased to be supporting the development of material to help negate some of those issues.”

Taken from ‘Vaccines in the world of MedComms’. Read the full interview here.


8. I can use my scientific background and interest

“When I was still in high school, I really wanted to study medicine and become a surgeon. However, I quickly realised I was not comfortable with performing surgery as I could barely handle carrying out dissections in biology class without feeling nauseated!”

Jack Said, Associate Consultant in Market Access at Prime Global.





“After I finished university, I worked in a research lab for Oxford University for 5 years. I really loved the scientific side of research but knew I couldn’t do that for the rest of my life! I then went into medical communications.”

Gaurav Kumar, VP Client Services. Read the rest of Gaurav’s interview here.

9. I can work in a variety of therapy areas


“I worked on various oncology accounts within my first couple of years in MedComms. Since joining Prime Global, I’ve been working within the cardiovascular, renal and metabolism space, specialising in the treatment of anaemia in patients with chronic kidney disease.”

Maria Alfaradhi, Scientific Team Lead.




“I’m working on three clients, one of whom has had three separate products so it’s great to learn about different therapeutic areas. Every day is always packed with so much variety as projects are always different.”

Cindy Cheung, Senior Medical Writer. Read more from Cindy here.


10. Medcomms is global and growing


“Prime Global works across the globe, so I know if I ever decide to move location, I can work from any of the offices without having to apply for a new job.”

Safi Kani Masandi, Senior Account Executive.






“The company was so much smaller when I joined, then even in my first year we grew so much. It was absolutely fantastic to see and be a part of the rapid organic growth that is continuing into 2021 and beyond!”

Parveena Laskar, Editorial Resource Manager. Find out what else Parveena has to say here. 



If you would like to work in MedComms or are looking for a new MedComms role, we have several roles available as part of our growth plan – visit our our careers page now!





Prime GlobalTen reasons we work in MedComms
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